Most of my life, for over 18 years, I have struggled with chronic, full-body, fibromyalgia pain. Burning, achey, stiff, tight muscles. With all of the pain and discomfort in my body, my energy levels were very low as I would feel weak and not have much stamina. It was difficult for me to work, to be social, to engage in physical exercise, or to do daily household chores. I was living a very low quality of life.
Iâ??d seen dozens of doctors to try to treat my fibromyalgia pain. None were able to deliver me with long-term healing. Chiropractors were somewhat helpful. However, their adjustments didnâ??t last more than a few hours. About 6 years ago, I came across Dr. Reeves. Out of all of the doctors that I had seen, he was the only doctor that took detailed and compassionate time to listen to my unique case and to examine my full body to determine where the sources of my pain were coming from. He took the time to elaborately explain to me how my ligaments and tendons were stretched out and weak, causing a majority of my pain. He also went on to explain how this has affected my nerves. He explained to me that Prolotherapy would be able to help strengthen my ligaments and tendons and help repair my nervesâ??resulting in a natural healing process by my body.
After my first treatment with Dr. Reeves, I noticed a substantial difference in my strength and general well-being. My chiropractic adjustments started holding for longer periods of time and my energy levels began to increase. Most importantly, my pain levels decreased substantially.
I continue to see Dr. Reeves about 3 times a year, as his treatments continue to strengthen my ligaments and tendons and heal my nerves. My pain levels are significantly lower and if I do have pain, I am able to manage it. My life is now completely different than it was before I started seeing Dr. Reeves. I can now work a full-time job, have a social life, work out 5-6 days a week, and do household chores. My body feels stronger and I have more energy. My quality of life is so much better now, and I have Dr. Reeves and his staff to thank for continuing to offer me the highest quality care.
One of the things that I love about receiving Prolotherapy from Dr. Reeves is that he is always up-to-date on the latest research and new approaches in his field and he takes the time to explain them to me. He is constantly implementing them, and in turn, I know I receive the best comprehensive treatment using the latest technology and research. I feel so much joy each time I go to his office, as his whole staff treats me like family and Dr. Reeves treats me like a valuable human being.