Headache Centers of America

3000 N Halsted St Ste 601, Chicago, ILChicago, IL

About Headache Centers of America

Headache Centers of America is a Practice with 1 Location. Currently Headache Centers of America's 2 physicians cover 8 specialty areas of medicine.

Doctors in Headache Centers of America


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Headache Centers of America has 1 location

Primary Location
Headache Centers of America
3000 N Halsted St Ste 601
Chicago, IL 60657
Tel: (773) 348-1300
Accepting New Patients
Medicare Accepted
Medicaid Accepted


Headache Centers of America has 8 Specialties

Critical Care Medicine
Also sometimes referred to as intensivists, critical care specialists are physicians with specialized training in the diagnosis and management of life-threatening conditions, such as those that affect vital organs like the heart and lungs, those that make breathing difficult or impossible, and those that affect entire organ systems, like the renal system. Critical care specialists are typically found in a hospital's intensive care unit where they monitor patients with life-threatening conditions and make determinations as to the best course of treatment.