My 1st experience with Dr. Trotter was humbling. She came across as a bit abrupt and gruff at first but within 10 minutes I realized she was actually just being direct and efficient. That said, she took the time to explain to me what was going on and what was causing my issues. I was actually arrogant enough to be offended with her relatively quick diagnosis (which I did not believe possible) that took her about 30 minutes of questioning followed up with a lot of poking and prodding to come up with. I had only gone to her because my Orthopedic surgeon, PM doc and PT DO suggested seeing a rheumatologist, I really had no idea why I was there or what exactly a rheumatologist did.
The entire visit ended up lasting almost an hour. When is the last time a physician spent that much one-on-one time with you? Patients like me and doctors like Dr. Trotter can take time, it's why sometimes you might be the one in the waiting room who's appointment is running extra late. She takes the time if she needs it, if the patient needs it, even if it means putting herself and others behind. It's the price a patient should be understanding of and that a doctor shouldn't be chastised for. It was me, it was my fault that caused the patient behind me to wait, not the doctor.
Even though she let me know I was "complicated" she also let me know she was here to help. She also took some time and told me a little about herself and I really believe she actually cared about me and her other patients and was truly outraged that some of the issues I deal with (that MANY deal with) could have been avoided if proper care was provided originally. Keep in mind I was listening to her the entire time thinking she was misdiagnosing me and when I finally told her she must be wrong she lit into me. She retaliated and told me things about myself in a rapid fire manner that she couldn't know, she knew about things only my wife and immediate family would know, it was like I was talking to a psychic and she was nailing it all to the T. She basically put me in my place while at the same time letting me know she knew what the heck she was doing even if I was in denial or just too stupid to accept the facts she was pointing out that other physicians had failed to notice, or worse, care about.
Fast forward to many day's later, blood-work in, my personal denial accepted and I sit here typing humbled and enlightened. Everything she said to me clicks and the blood-work and scans confirm what she already knew. I didn't like what I was diagnosed with but the diagnosis was spot-on. There is a lot of work ahead, med's to be taken that I don't want to take and personal responsibility I don't want to be responsible for but I have a doctor that cares and that's willing and wanting to help. I can't ask for more than that. She turned out to be incredible, even if she is a bit abrupt and gruff. I needed the kick upside the head that Dr. Trotter provided, I respect her for that and am honored and blessed to have her. If you have read this far, trust me, go see her, she's worth the wait.