
324 Roxbury Rd., Rockford, ILRockford, IL

About Orthoillinois

Orthoillinois is a Practice with 1 Location. Currently Orthoillinois's 44 physicians cover 16 specialty areas of medicine.

Doctors in Orthoillinois


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Orthoillinois has 1 location

Primary Location
324 Roxbury Rd.
Rockford, IL 61107
Tel: (815) 398-9491
Accepting New Patients
Medicare Accepted
Medicaid Accepted


Orthoillinois has 16 Specialties

Emergency Medicine
An emergency physician is a doctor who is an expert in handling conditions of an urgent and extremely dangerous nature. These specialists work in the emergency room (ER) departments of hospitals where they oversee cases involving cardiac distress, trauma, fractures, lacerations and other acute conditions.Emergency physicians are specially trained to make urgent life-saving decisions to treat patients during an emergency medical crisis. These doctors diagnose and stabilize patients before they are either well enough to be discharged, or transferred to the appropriate department for long-term care.
Adult Reconstructive Orthopedic Surgery